Xiaoyu and Youngah’s paper, “Perceptual and featural measures of Mandarin consonant similarity: Confusion matrices and phonological features dataset,” has recently been published in Data in Brief.
The paper presents a comprehensive dataset containing two types of similarity measures for 23 Mandarin consonant phonemes: perceptual and featural measures. The perceptual measures are derived from confusion matrices obtained through native speakers’ identification tasks in quiet and noise-masked conditions. Based on these matrices, specific perceptual measures, such as confusion rate and perceptual distance, are calculated. Additionally, the authors propose a phonological feature system to evaluate the featural differences between each pair of consonants, providing insights into phonological similarity.
The dataset reveals a significant positive correlation between the perceptual and featural measures of similarity. Distance matrices are generated using the perceptual distance data, and a hierarchical cluster dendrogram is plotted using the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA). This dendrogram displays five major clusters of consonants.
This dataset can serve as a valuable reference for future studies seeking quantified perceptual measures of Mandarin consonant similarity. Additionally, it can be beneficial for research exploring consonant similarity in perceptual and phonological domains, as well as investigating the influence of linguistic and extralinguistic factors on consonant perception.
Yu, X., & Do, Y. (2024). Perceptual and featural measures of Mandarin consonant similarity: Confusion matrices and phonological features dataset. Data in Brief, 52, 109868. open_in_newDOI

Youngah presented at the 2023 Linguistics Colloquium organized by the Seoul National University.
Infants require two crucial skills to successfully begin language acquisition: (a) the ability to learn fundamental speech sound units, or phonemes, and (b) the capacity to decompose sound sequences into meaningful units. This talk will discuss the effectiveness of an autoencoder model in learning phonemes and phoneme boundaries from unsegmented, non-transcribed wave data, similar to the early stages of infant language acquisition. The experiment was conducted in Mandarin and English, and the results demonstrate that phonemes and their associated features can be learned through repeated projection and reconstruction without prior knowledge of segmentation. The model clusters segments of the same phoneme and projects different phonemes to separate regions in the hidden space. Furthermore, the model successfully decomposes words into phonemes in sequential order, which is a crucial foundation for phonotactic knowledge. However, the model struggles to cluster allophones closely, indicating the boundary between bottom-up and top-down information in phonological learning. This study suggests that fundamental sound knowledge in the early stages of language acquisition can be learned to some extent through unsupervised learning without labeled data or prior knowledge of segmentation, providing valuable insights into early human language acquisition.
Do, Y. (2023). Unsupervised learning of phonemes in early language acquisition: Insights from an autoencoder model. 2023 Linguistics Colloquium, Seoul National University.

The last of the summer research meetings has just been concluded. Our team has made significant progress, and we are excited about the potential outcomes of our research.
We want to take this opportunity to express our appreciation to the research interns who have contributed immensely to the success of the projects throughout the summer. Their efforts have been invaluable, and we are proud to have them as part of our team.
We also want to acknowledge the contributions of Bingzi, who will soon be commencing her research journey at MIT. We wish her all the best in her future endeavours.
Thanks everyone for your support in our research.

Youngah and Tingyu’s paper have recently published in the journal Glossa. The paper is titled “Substantive bias and variation in the acquisition of vowel harmony.”
The study delves into substantive bias, a phenomenon where learners exhibit a preference for phonetically motivated patterns during language acquisition. The paper provides evidence that variable input, as opposed to categorical input, can activate substantive bias. In the experiment, native Hong Kong Cantonese speakers were randomly assigned to either categorical or variable training conditions for vowel backness harmony or disharmony, or to a no-training control condition. The results reveal that participants in the categorical and control conditions did not show a bias towards either pattern. However, those in the variable conditions demonstrated a preference for vowel harmony. This suggests that input variability can strengthen the effect of substantive bias. This research contributes to our understanding of the role of input variability in phonological learning and the mechanisms involved in acquiring phonetically motivated and unmotivated phonological patterns.
Congratulations to Youngah and Tingyu on their successful publication! The paper is accessible through Glossa under open access.
Huang, T., & Do, Y. (2023). Substantive bias and variation in the acquisition of vowel harmony. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics, 8(1), Article 1. open_in_new DOI

Thomas recently presented the work with Xiaoyu, Youngah and Tungle from National Taiwan University at the 16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference in Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. The study converged ratings and corpus measures for ABB words in Chinese through PCA.

Youngah, Jon, and Samuel’s article, “Variation learning in phonology and morphosyntax”, has been published in the journal “Cognition”.
Phonological variation includes phonetic variation, which is influenced by articulatory or perceptual factors, whereas morphosyntactic variation is not. The researchers aimed to identify whether learning differences exist when children are exposed to phonological or morphosyntactic patterns with equal complexity. Cantonese-speaking children were taught an artificial language involving rounding harmony and gender agreement, with patterns applying variably or categorically.
The results showed that in the categorical learning conditions, participants had comparable rates of harmony and agreement. However, in the variable phonological learning conditions, children’s application of harmony exceeded the rate of exposure in training, suggesting a bias towards phonetically grounded rounding harmony. In the variable morphosyntactic condition, participants applied agreement below the rate of exposure.
These findings reveal a qualitative difference between learning in the two domains, with phonological learning being influenced by substantive grounding, while morphosyntactic learning is not. This research contributes to our understanding of language acquisition in children and may have implications for educational practices and interventions.
The article can be accessed here until 13 September 2023.
Do, Y., Havenhill, J., & Sze, S. S. L. (2023). Variation learning in phonology and morphosyntax. Cognition, 239, 105573. open_in_new DOI
UGC Grants for 2023 approved

The University Grants Committee has approved the use of General Research Fund this year for the following LDL projects.
Breaking down and rebuilding iconicity
Youngah will lead postdoc researchers and students in this project, which aims to understand the phonological and cognitive mechanisms behind spoken iconicity and its accessibility to a variety of language speakers, by training a neural network with ideophone corpus data to generate sound-meaning associations and test them in lab-based experiments with human participants.
Sociophonetic variation in Hong Kong and Heritage Cantonese
Jon will lead postdoc researchers and students in this project, which seeks to understand how phonological representation and sound change occur in bilingual communities. In particular, they will look at the sociophonetic variation of Cantonese sibilants among speakers of different linguistic backgrounds.

Youngah has been invited to give a talk at the University of Tokyo on 5 July 2023. The talk will discuss her collaborative work with Frank, “Learning phonology without phonology: insights from autoencoder modelling”, exploring the topic of how infants learn phonology without any prior knowledge of it.
The talk will present the results of their autoencoder modeling research. The study suggests that it might be possible for phonemes and distinctive features to be learned from unsegmented, non-transcribed wave data that resembles the language acquisition stages of infants.
The experiment conducted on Mandarin and English indicates that features could potentially be learned through repetitive projection and reconstruction, even without any prior knowledge of segmentation. The model appears to cluster segments of the same phoneme and separates different phonemes into distinct regions in the hidden space.
This research suggests that sound knowledge might be acquired to a certain extent through unsupervised learning, without the need for labeled data or previous phonological understanding. The findings offer insights into the early stages of human language acquisition and the ability of infants to recognize the sounds of their native language.

Over the past five months, from January to May 2023, Rachel, Jasper, Tiffany, and Kevin have successfully completed a 24-hour immersive course in Hong Kong Sign Language (HKSL), as part of an ongoing research investigation into Hong Kong Sign Language, conducted by Youngah and Arthur of the Language Development Lab.
Throughout the course, the students engaged in twice-per-week, one-on-one immersive sessions with Ms. KONG Wan Ki (KK), a senior trainer from the Professional Sign Language Centre. With their trainer unable to hear, the students were required to use HKSL, supplemented with writing tools, to communicate, thereby fostering a comprehensive understanding of the language.

Upon completing the course, the students achieved Level III proficiency in the Centre’s curriculum, which is recognized by the Hong Kong Sign Language Association. In total, they have acquired 655 individual signs in Hong Kong Sign Language.
We would like to acknowledge the remarkable efforts of Rachel, Jasper, Tiffany, and Kevin, and express our gratitude to KK and the Professional Sign Language Centre for their invaluable support throughout the course. Their commitment and diligence have significantly contributed to the progress of our research.