LING2076 Mind and body: A holistic approach to the sounds of language

Dr. Jonathan Havenhill

Advanced Course. Sem 2 , 6 credits

Course Description

The study of the sound systems of human language is unique in that it considers both the role of our body (Phonetics) and mind (Phonology). How we internalize sound systems (Phonology) is often clearly dependent on the operation of our body (Phonetics); yet grammatical generalizations of sound systems can also abstract away from the physical properties of sounds. How different or similar can phonology and phonetics be? Where exactly does the border between the two lie? Over the course of this semester, we will examine both classic approaches and current theories of the phonology/phonetics interface, and will consider the roles of articulatory, perceptual, and cognitive forces in creating and maintaining phonological patterns. We will also consider the implications of phonological and phonetic findings for theories of embodied cognition to understand the nature of body and mind interaction in creating the sound systems of human language.

LING1000 and LING2004 or LING2027


100% coursework