Current Grants

Breaking down and rebuilding iconicity: machine learning verified by human learning

(PI Youngah Do, Co-I Van Hoey Thomas Greta R., Coupe Christophe Dominique Michel and Baayen Harald)
General Research Fund (GRF), University Grants Council (UGC), Hong Kong

Exploring the learnability of ideophones through articulatory and manual gestures

(PI Youngah Do, Co-I Dingemanse Mark and Thompson Arthur Lewis)
General Research Fund (GRF), University Grants Council (UGC), Hong Kong

Learning Biases in L2 Acquisition of Hong Kong Sign Language by Hearing Learners

(PI Youngah Do, Co-I Emmorey Karen, Sehyr Zed Sevcikova and Getzie Gabriel Paul)
General Research Fund (GRF), University Grants Council (UGC), Hong Kong

A neurolinguistic approach to second language processing of prosody–syntax interfaces

(PI Yoonsang Song, Co-I Youngah Do, Ouyang Guang and Nan Jiang)
General Research Fund (GRF), University Grants Council (UGC), Hong Kong

EEG investigation of morphologically complex word processing in a second language

(PI Yoonsang Song, Co-I Youngah Do, Ouyang Guang and Nan Jiang)
Early Career Scheme (ECS), University Grants Council (UGC), Hong Kong

Perception and articulation of Cantonese vowel contrasts by native speakers of English and Mandarin

(PI Jonathan Havenhill)
Early Career Scheme (ECS), University Grants Council (UGC), Hong Kong