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On Predicates and Light Verbs: The V-de Construction in Mandarin and Yixing – Dr. Xuhui Hu and Dr. Joe Perry, Peking University and the University of Hong Kong
Room 4.16, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKUThe theoretical objective of this talk is to provide a deep account of the assignment of argument structure roles compatible with constructivist approaches such as Distributed Morphology (Halle & Marantz 1993; Marantz 1997; Embick 2010) and the exo-skeletal (XS)-Model proposed in Borer (2005a, b, 2013). Based on a recent hypothesis (Hu 2022), we argue that a limited set of functional heads are responsible for theta-role assignment, and that light verbs are exponents of the features on these functional heads - in a sense, these light verbs are true predicates of the clause. We take the famous V-de (得) construction in Mandarin (cf. Huang 1988; [...]