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In the bilingualism literature, cross-language activation has been demonstrated to support the phenomenon that bilinguals can’t simply shut off the language not-in-use when they are processing the other language. Cross-language activation can be driven by two sources of information: phonological overlap or automatic/implicit translation. In this talk, I will discuss a series of experiments where we are particularly interested in the role of lexical tones in cross-language activation. In particular, I will discuss how we design experiments to investigate the tonal effects coming from two different sources in bilingual lexical processing.


Dr. Wang, Xin is a Senior Lecturer at Macquarie University, Australia. She received her BA from Beijing Language and Culture University (China), MA and PhD (majored in Second Language Acquisition and minored in Cognitive Science) from the University of Arizona (USA).  Then she was supported by Research Fellowships at Northwestern University (USA) and the University of Oxford (UK). In addition, for a brief period, she was an assistant professor housed in the Department of English Language and Literature at the National University of Singapore. Broadly defined, her research interests center on the relationship between language and cognition. In particular, she is interested in how L2 is mentally processed and represented in relation to L1, in order to understand the cognitive architecture of Bilingualism/Multilingualism. She has published in international peer-reviewed journals such as Cognition; Bilingualism: Language and Cognition; Language, Cognition and Neuroscience; Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology; PLoS One, etc.



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