Two MPhil/PhD Positions available: Psycholinguistics and General Linguistics

Applications are now open for two MPhil/PhD position in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Hong Kong in psycholinguistics and general linguistics.

  1. Psycholinguistics

The position will be taken up with the Language Processing Lab, headed by Dr. Heeju

Hwang ( The lab is interested in examining the mechanisms underlying language processing, including topics such as cross-linguistic sentence production, bilingual language processing, differences between first and second language acquisition, and the interface between linguistic and cognitive processes. The lab is equipped with an eye-tracking system and has an access to an ultrasound system.

The ideal candidates should have an outstanding record of undergraduate or have a BA or MA in Linguistics, Psychology, Psycholinguistics, Cognitive Science, or related fields with experience in experimental design and statistical analyses. The candidate is expected to develop their own project in the context of the lab’s research foci. Competitive candidates will have excellent analytical skills as well as fluency in both written and spoken English.

For further information, please contact Dr. Heeju Hwang (

  1. General linguistics

The ideal candidate should have a research interest in line with areas of expertise in the department. The candidate should have an outstanding record of undergraduate and Master’s level work; excellent analytical skills; fluency in both written and spoken English (IELTS 700+); the desire to work with different methods on questions of theoretical significance.


How to Apply

Applicants are required to submit a four-page proposal summary on or before December 1st, 2016. Details can be found at:

The University of Hong Kong is an English-medium university ranked 30th in the world and the Department of Linguistics ( ranked 9th in the world (QS world rankings 2015).

Types of fellowships available include the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship scheme (~US$30,760 per year), HKU Postgraduate Fellowships (~US$25,320 per year), and the HKU Postgraduate Scholarships (~US$23,070 per year). Further information can be found at

Web address for applications: