Laboratories & Research Centres – Department of Linguistics, HKU

Information of our research labs and centres

13 05, 2022

Chaire Internationale 2022 – Kofi Yakpo – Multicausal approaches to language contact


We are happy to announce that Dr. Kofi Yakpo has been invited as a guest professor with the Laboratory of Excellence “Foundations of Language" (Sorbonne & Université Paris Cité, France), and is going to give a series of four seminars on the theme “Multicausal approaches to language contact”. The seminars will take place on June 2, 3, 13 and 14, 2022 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at INALCO, Pôle Langues et Civilizations, 65 rue des Grands Moulins 75013 Paris - Room 5.22. All are welcome in case you are in Paris between 1-15 June 2022! For more information, click here. [...]

Chaire Internationale 2022 – Kofi Yakpo – Multicausal approaches to language contact2022-05-13T21:37:51+08:00
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