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Please click here for more details! Application closes on 30 March 2023 noon.
A Film and a Website by the School of Humanities (Department of Linguistics), The University of Hong Kong:A MYRIAD OF VOICES: LINGUISTIC DIVERSITY & VITALITY IN MALAYSIAThe documentary film A Myriad of Voices and the website and teaching resource Linguistics Field Trip to Malaysia showcase linguistic diversity and vitality in Malaysia as experienced by students of the University of Hong Kong during a field linguistics excursion (LING3003 Linguistics Field Trip Course). Come along with us to Malaysia, the land of the hibiscus, as we take you on a journey to discover a myriad of vibrant voices. > LINK TO FILM (35 min): > LINK TO FILM [...]
LING3003 Linguistics Field Trip TBA Capstone Course. Sem 2, 6 credits Course Description This is a required course for students majoring in General Linguistics. The field trip is technically designated as a final year course but may be taken in the third or fourth year. The aim of the course is to provide an opportunity for students of linguistics to have first-hand experience with languages as they are spoken and used in particular settings, and to carry out an empirical investigation on some aspect of a language ‘on-site’ (e.g. structural, cognitive, socio-cultural, or technological aspects of a language). The field trip is [...]
LING2060 Languages of China Dr. Marcelo Sevilla Advanced Course. Sem 1, 6 credit Course Description This course surveys languages spoken in China (including Taiwan). These languages belong to various families such as the Sinitic, Tibeto-Burman, Tai-Kadai, Hmong-Mien, Mongolic, Turkic, Tungusic and Austronesian etc. The emphasis of the course will rest on the structure of selected languages from these families rather than the historical relationship between them. The course involves practical work and provides useful background for other courses in linguistics. Pre-requisite LING1000 Assessment 100% coursework
The Dept of Linguistics is pleased to announce the inaugural publication of LECT - an HKU working papers journal in the language sciences. LECT is an online, open-access journal of working papers by students at HKU whose research focuses on linguistics and language sciences. Through a simple peer review process, LECT provides feedback for authors considering further publication. Each submission is reviewed in-house by a scholar from the relevant sub-discipline at HKU. Our editorial board includes experts in phonetics, phonology, syntax, sociolinguistics, as well as hearing and speech sciences. Full-length working papers, squibs (new discoveries or short articles), and reviews are [...]
LING6028 Topics in Language Acquisition Dr. Chin Lung Yang MA Elective course. Sem 2 Friday, 1:30 pm – 4:20 pm Venue: RRST-4.04 (except Jan 19 2024) Course Description The course introduces current linguistic approaches to language acquisition in bilingual and multilingual contexts. Topics will include the acquisition of Cantonese and English by bilingual children; acquisition of English as second language by Chinese speakers, and vice versa; and the acquisition of a third or additional language by bilinguals. The course is particularly suitable for those with some experience of language teaching. Course Details Assessment: 100% coursework
LING6020 Advanced Topics in Psycholinguistics Dr. Wenjing Ni MA Elective course. Sem 1 Wed 1:30 – 4:20 pm Venue: CPD-LG.34 Course Description This course will examine issues concerning how language is acquired and processed in the mind. Advanced research topics to be covered in this course are as follows: brain and language development, language and thought, mental systems for words, word segmentation in Chinese and English, dyslexia, language disorders. There will also be practical laboratory classes. Course Details Assessment: 100% coursework
LING7502 Research Seminars in Linguistics II (Core) Dr. Cathryn Donone PG course. Sem 2, 6 credits Venue: CRT-9.25, Monday, 9:30-11:20 Course Description Students are required to attend linguistics seminars in two consecutive semesters. Each semester at least five seminars, of students’ own choice, are expected. The seminars can be organized by the Department or others at HKU or other universities in Hong Kong. They should deal with current topics of interest in linguistics based on original research. Course Details Syllabus: N/A Assessment: For each semester, students should submit a brief report that contains the following two essential parts: Part I [...]
LING7501 Research Seminars in Linguistics I (Core) Dr. Joseph Perry PG course. Sem 1, 6 credits Course Description Students are required to attend linguistics seminars in two consecutive semesters. Each semester at least five seminars, of students’ own choice, are expected. The seminars can be organized by the Department or others at HKU or other universities in Hong Kong. They should deal with current topics of interest in linguistics based on original research. Course Details Syllabus: N/A Assessment: For each semester, students should submit a brief report that contains the following two essential parts: Part I –– Provide details of all [...]
LING6012 Special Topics in Linguistics (Elective) PG course. Sem 1 or 2, 6 credits Time and venue are to be arranged with individual teacher Course Description The aim of this course is to introduce students to topics in Linguistics which are of relevance to their research but which they have not studied previously. Students will attend one advanced undergraduate or a combination of courses from the department as prescribed by the supervisor(s) and/or the Chairman of the Departmental Research Postgraduate Committee. They will also be required to do further guided readings and/or attend extra tutorials. Assessment will be in the [...]
LING6010 Readings in Linguistics (Elective) PG course. Sem 2, 6 credits Time and venue are to be arranged with individual teacher Course Description In this course students are asked to read a selection of classical works and exemplary books and research papers in linguistics. Selections may vary from year to year, but will usually include important works by early masters including Bloomfield, Sapir, and Chao, as well as influential works by current linguists. Students are required to sbubmit written reports and give oral presentations on the readings. Course Details Syllabus: N/A Assessment: 100% Courswork Tutorials: N/A
Research methods in Linguistics (Core) Prof. Diana Archangeli PG course. Sem 1, 6 credits Venue: CRT-9.25, Monday, 13:30-16:20 Course Description This one-semester postgraduate seminar course is devoted to methodological issues, including bibliographical research; data collection and elicitation; organization, analysis and presentation of data. Syllabus: Distributed during the first class meeting Assessment: Assessment is by coursework, including developing a research paper in the student’s field of study. Tutorials: There will be no scheduled tutorials. Textbook: There is no single textbook for this course; rather, references will be provided during the lectures.
LING7012 Introduction to Data Science for Linguists Prof. Christophe Coupé MA Elective course. Sem 1 Wed 9:30 am – 12:20 am Venue: CPD-2.25 Course Description This course offers students a detailed introduction to data science and its application to linguistic issues. It covers both theoretical aspects and methods, and assumes no strong background in mathematics or computer science. Following an introduction to data science, a number of statistical concepts and tools will be introduced and applied to linguistic data. Simple natural language processing (NLP) techniques will also be covered. Topics include: sampling, descriptive and inferential statistics, basic parametric and non-parametric statistical [...]
LING6031 Multilingualism Dr. Hanbo Liao MA Elective course. Sem 2 Thu 09:30 am - 12:20 pm Venue: CPD 2.16 Course Description This course provides a broad overview of issues pertinent to multilingualism, with an emphasis on the linguistic, social and cultural diversity of multilingual societies. Theories and approaches to the study of multilingualism will be illustrated by different multilingual settings around the world, with special focus on Hong Kong and Asian contexts. Topics related to the linguistic consequences of multilingualism include diglossia, code-switching and language change. We also look at educational issues created by multilingualism and how they are resolved. Course [...]
LING6022 Reading Acquisition and Developmental Dyslexia Dr. Liu Chun Yin Ralph MA Elective course. Sem 2 Wednesday 9:30 am – 12:20 pm Venue: ONLINE Course Description This course aims to provide a theoretical understanding of reading development and reading disorders in different writing systems, with a specific focus on alphabetic (English) and logographic (Chinese) writing systems. Through attending the course, students will be able to understand how different cognitive processes contribute to the development of skilled word reading and text comprehension and what problems children may encounter during the course of reading development. Effective treatment and instruction approaches will also be [...]
LING6021 Language Types and Universals Dr. Joe Perry MA Elective course. Sem 2 Wednesday, 1:30 pm – 3:20 pm; (CPD3.29) Thursday 1:30 pm - 2:20 pm (CPD-2.19) Course Description This course introduces linguistic typology as an approach to language structure based inductively on investigation of a wide range of languages. It does not require prior knowledge of many languages, although some knowledge of a language such as German or Japanese is a useful asset. The course includes applications of typology in the field of language acquisition. Course Details Assessment: 100% coursework.